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Amazon S3 Server Access Logs

The Amazon S3 Server Access Logs Matano managed log source lets you ingest your S3 server access logs directly into Matano.

Amazon S3 server access logs contain detailed records for the requests that are made to a bucket.


Use the managed log source by specifying the managed.type property in your log_source as AWS_S3ACCESS.

name: "aws_s3access"

type: "AWS_S3ACCESS"


The S3 access logs managed log source supports a single table containing S3 access logs.



S3 server access logs are always delivered to S3 buckets. You can provide the S3 bucket you are using for delivery to Matano by using the ingest.s3_source configuration in your log_source.yml (Bring your own bucket).


S3 access log data is normalized to ECS fields. Custom fields are normalized into the aws.s3access field. You can view the complete mapping to see the full schema.