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Matano directory

To specify configuration and data for Matano, you use a Matano directory. This directory has the following structure:

├── log_sources/
├── detections/
├── matano.config.yml
└── matano.context.json

You should persist this in a version control system like Git.


If are getting started, use the matano init command, which will take care of creating an initial directory for you, alongside initializing your AWS account and deploying Matano.

You can also use the standalone matano generate:matano-dir command to generate an initial Matano directory.


Matano configuration file (matano.config.yml)

Use this file to specify Matano configuration. To see all the fields you can specify here see Matano configuration file reference.

Matano context file (matano.context.json)

This file stores environment specific values for your Matano deployment (such as VPC details). Don't edit this file by hand, instead use the matano refresh-context command to generate or update it.

Log sources directory (log_sources)

To learn more about configuring log sources, visit Log source configuration.

The log sources directory contains definitions and configuration for each log source you ingest into Matano.

The directory has the following format:

├── log_sources
│ └── first_log_source
│ └── log_source.yml

Detections directory (detections)

The log sources directory contains definitions and configuration for each detection you create.

The directory has the following format:

├── detections
│ └── first_detection
│ ├──
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ └── detection.yml